Travel Tips: How to Travel Light

By kweneeeta - 3:32 PM

Okay, so I was at the mall this afternoon and I came across a luggage sale. I was tempted to buy one but I couldn’t really decide which size to choose. I wanted a small, compact luggage but then, I was worried that maybe my travel stuff won’t fit in. I ended up buying nothing.

…and so I googled ways on how to choose the right luggage for me and I came across this travel site which basically laid it all for me. What caught my attention was the article on how to travel light. 

The following is an excerpt from the website’s article The Carry-On Challenge: How to Pack Light Everytime

Cardinal Rules of Carry-Ons
There are no hard and fast standards that can apply to every imaginable trip, but here are a few rules of thumb that have served me well:

1. Limit yourself to two pairs of shoes and two pairs of pants, and wear the heavier items on the plane. (Bonus points if you can pull your trip off with just one.)

2. Don’t pack more than a week’s worth of clothes. For longer trips, plan to do laundry along the way.

3. Pack only garments that can be color-coordinated with everything else in your travel wardrobe. If it doesn’t work in multiple outfits, leave it at home.

4. Every little bit of space helps. Clean all those old grocery store receipts out of your wallet, swap your pile of paperbacks for an e-reader and forget about those “just in case” items you could easily buy in your destination. 

5. Many travelers swear by compression bags (also known as Space Bags) to help save precious space — but keep in mind that they won’t help you stay within airline weight limits. (Some carriers do weigh carry-ons.)

6. Maximize your personal item. In addition to a carry-on bag, airlines allow you to bring a personal item such as a purse or laptop bag. I generally bring a small backpack, which can hold a lot more than a purse but will still fit easily under the seat in front of me. (If I need a purse during my trip, I fold it up inside a larger bag.)

7. Roll your clothes instead of folding them — it minimizes wrinkles and maximizes space. 

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